Oak Rustic Matt lacquered Brushed Character: Highly variable in texture and color, it contains sapwood, knots, drying bands, flame pattern. Knot: Groups of knots are permitted Sapwood: Permissible, up to the 1/3 of lamella. Oil brown stain and blue stain of metallic origin are not permitted, other natural discolorations are permitted.
Danube Oak Rustic White-stained Matt lacquered Character: Highly variable in texture and color, it contains knots, sapwood and brownish discoloration resembling red heartwood. Knot: Group knots are permitted as well as intergrown branch knots up to a diameter of 10 mm. Sapwood: It is permitted up to half of the slat width. The bluish stain of natural origin, near a frost rib is permitted.
Oak Rustic White-stained Matt lacquered Character: Highly variable in texture and color, it contains sapwood, knots, drying bands, flame pattern. Knot: Groups of knots are permitted Sapwood: Permissible, up to the 1/3 of lamella. Oil brown stain and blue stain of metallic origin are not permitted, other natural discolorations are permitted.
Oak Natur Cashmere-stained matt lacquered Brushed Character: Course texture and prominent grain having rather dynamic colors but without harsh color variations, with medullary rays. Only minor flame pattern is permitted. Knot: Well intergrown knots, up to a diameter of 3 mm, are permitted, except for those in groups. The dark knot is permitted, up to a diameter of 1 mm Sapwood: Not permitted
Oak Rustic Brine Light Brushed Matt lacquered Character: Highly variable in texture and color, it contains sapwood, knots, drying bands, flame pattern. Knot: Groups of knots are permitted. Occasionally there may be small open knots which are caused by the texture of the wood. Sapwood: Permissible, up to the 1/3 of lamella. Oil brown stain and blue stain of metallic origin are not permitted, other natural discolorations are permitted.
Oak Rustic Princeton Limed Brushed Matt lacquered Character: It is characterized by the sapwood and the knots, as well as its prominent textural and color variations. A flame pattern is permitted. Knot: 5 – 6 healthy and dark knots – even grouped ones – are permitted in each stripe, up to a diameter of 25 – 30 mm. Fallen-out knots are permitted, up to 30 mm in diameter when corrected by filling. Sapwood: Healthy sapwood is permitted up to the third of the slat width, even from both sides.
Danube Oak Rustic Walnut-stained Character: Highly variable in texture and color, it contains knots, sapwood and brownish discoloration resembling red heartwood. Knot: Group knots are permitted as well as intergrown branch knots up to a diameter of 10 mm. Sapwood: It is permitted up to half of the slat width. A bluish stain of natural origin, near a frost rib is permitted.
Vintage, structrured, brushed, hazel - oiled Character: It is characterized by the knots and the prominent textural and color variations resulted from the discolorations near the pith. Flame pattern is permitted. Knot: permitted up to 100mm healthy and dark knots – even grouped ones – are permitted in each stripe, up to a diameter of 50 – 60 mm. Fallen-out knots are permitted, up to 40 mm in diameter when corrected by filling. Sapwood: Permitted, max. 3-4 mm width and 20-30 cm of length. Cracks are permitted, filled with black special material. Minor fill in defects, smaller holes formed during post-filling surface treatment are allowed.
Oak Select White-stained Matt lacquered Character: Natural colors, prominent grain without harsh color variations. It features minor knots. The flame pattern is permitted only in traces. Tint differences may occur between the parquet stripes. Knot: Knots, up to a diameter of 3 mm are permitted, except for black ones and those in groups. Sapwood: Fundamentally, it is not permitted, but healthy tangential sapwood, up to 3-4 mm in width and 20-30 cm in length, is permissible.
Jelleg: Jellegét a szíjács és a göcsök, valamint a feltűnő szín és szövetszerkezeti különbségek adják. Lángnyelvesség megengedett. Göcs: Egészséges, jól benőtt göcsök 20 mm Ø – ig, fekete göcsök 5 mm Ø – ig csoportosan is megengedettek. Szíjács: Gyakorlatilag minden lamellában lehet egészséges szíjács, kb. a lamella szélesség 1/3 – áig.
Oak Super Country Bone. White Brushed 4-Side Bevelled Natural oiled Character: It is characterized by the knots, cracks, and the prominent textural and colour variations resulted from the discolorations near the pith. Strongly rustic material with a lot of knots. A flame pattern is permitted. Knot: 5 – 6 healthy, cracked, wing knots – even edge knots – are permitted in each stripe, up to a diameter of 100 mm. Fallen-out knots are permitted, up to 35 mm in diameter corrected by filling. Sapwood: Basically not specific, but healthy narrow sapwood is permitted in the width of 3-4 mm and length of 20-30 cm. Inbark: permitted in the width of 3 mm and length of 50 cm. Crack: permitted max. in the width of 10 mm and max. length of 400 mm corrected by filling. Filling: small filling gaps, small holes appeared during the surface treatment after filling are permitted
Oak Country Brushed 4-side Bevelled Finished oiled Character: It is characterized by the knots and the prominent textural and color variations resulted from the discolorations near the pith. Flame pattern is permitted. Knot: 5 – 6 healthy and dark knots – even grouped ones – are permitted in each stripe, up to a diameter of 40 – 50 mm. Fallen-out knots are permitted, up to 40 mm in diameter when corrected by filling. Sapwood: Not permitted
Oak Rustic Matt lacquered Brushed Grey-stained Character: Highly variable in texture and color, it contains sapwood, knots, drying bands, flame pattern. Knot: Groups of knots are permitted Sapwood: Permissible, up to the 1/3 of lamella. Oil brown stain and blue stain of metallic origin are not permitted, other natural discolorations are permitted.
Character: Course texture and prominent grain having wide color variations and minor knots. Flame pattern is permitted. There are tint differences between the parquet stripes. Knot: Up to 2-3 knots having a diameter of 10-15 mm are permitted per stripes, except for black knots. Cracked knots are permitted when corrected by filling. Sapwood: Healthy sapwood is permitted up to the third of the slat width, even from both sides.
Ash Natur Pearl white lacquered Character: Its color is defined by the natural growth of the tree – with darker and lighter slats. Without any particularly striking, harsh textural and color variations. Knots: Healthy knots up to a diameter of 3 mm, and dark knots up to a diameter of 1 mm are permitted, except for those in groups. Red heartwood: Not permitted.
Character: Course texture and prominent grain having wide color variations and minor knots. Flame pattern is permitted. There are tint differences between the parquet stripes. Knot: Up to 2-3 knots having a diameter of 10-15 mm are permitted per stripes, except for black knots. Cracked knots are permitted when corrected by filling. Sapwood: Healthy sapwood is permitted up to the third of the slat width, even from both sides.
Oak Nordic White natural-oiled Bevelled Character: Course texture and prominent grain having wide color variations and minor knots. Flame pattern is permitted. There are tint differences between the parquet stripes. Knot: Up to 2-3 knots having a diameter of 10-15 mm are permitted per stripes, except for black knots. Cracked knots are permitted when corrected by filling. Sapwood: Healthy sapwood is permitted up to the third of the slat width, even from both sides.
Oak Natur Thermo-brown stained Character: Course texture and prominent grain having rather dynamic colors but without harsh color variations, with bigger knots. Flame pattern permitted, in a minor degree. Major tint differences may occur between the parquet stripes. Knot: Up to 4-5 knots having a diameter of 20-25 mm are permitted per stripes, except for black knots. Cracked knots are permitted when corrected by filling. Fallen-out knots are permitted, up to 25 mm in diameter, when corrected by filling. Sapwood: Fundamentally, it is not permitted, but healthy tangential sapwood, up to 4-5 mm in width and 50 cm in length, is permissible.
Ash Rustic White-stained Matt lacquered Character: It is characterized by accentuated colors, red heartwood, knots, and vivid texture. Knot: A healthy knot, up to a diameter of 10 mm, is permitted. Red heartwood: Dark tone and red heartwood is permitted even across the whole slat width.
Vintage, structured, brushed, natural - oiled Character: It is characterized by the knots and the prominent textural and color variations resulted from the discolorations near the pith. Flame pattern is permitted. Knot: permitted up to 100mm healthy and dark knots – even grouped ones – are permitted in each stripe, up to a diameter of 50 – 60 mm. Fallen-out knots are permitted, up to 40 mm in diameter when corrected by filling. Sapwood: Permitted, max. 3-4 mm width and 20-30 cm of length. Cracks are permitted, filled with black special material. Minor fill in defects, smaller holes formed during post-filling surface treatment are allowed.
Oak Natur Brushed Natural-oiled Character: Course texture and prominent grain having rather dynamic colors but without harsh color variations, with medullary rays. Only minor flame pattern is permitted. Knot: Well intergrown knots, up to a diameter of 3 mm, are permitted, except for those in groups. Dark knot is permitted, up to a diameter of 1 mm Sapwood: Not permitted
Oak Rustic Brushed Natural-oiled Character: Highly variable in texture and color, it contains sapwood, knots, drying bands, flame pattern. Knot: Groups of knots are permitted Sapwood: Permissible, up to the 1/3 of lamella. Oil brown stain and blue stain of metallic origin are not permitted, other natural discolorations are permitted.
Oak Natur Hazel Brushed 4-Side Bevelled Natural oiled Character: Course texture and prominent grain having rather dynamic colors but without harsh color variations, with bigger knots. Flame pattern permitted, in a minor degree. Major tint differences may occur between the parquet stripes. Knot: Up to 4-5 knots having a diameter of 20-25 mm are permitted per stripes, except for black knots. Cracked knots are permitted when corrected by filling. Fallen-out knots are permitted, up to 25 mm in diameter, when corrected by filling. Sapwood: Fundamentally, it is not permitted, but healthy tangential sapwood, up to 4-5 mm in width and 50 cm in length, is permissible.
Tölgy natur hazel strukturált 4 oldalt fózolt natur-olajos. Jelleg: Rajzolatos szövetszerkezet, színhatásában mozgalmasabb anyag, durva színeltérések nélkül nagyobb méretű göcsökkel. Lángnyelvesség, csekély mértékben megengedett. A parkettaszálak közt nagyobb színárnyalatbeli eltérések lehetnek. Göcs: Szálanként max. 4-5 db 20 – 25 mm átmérőjű göcs megengedett, ha nem fekete. Repedt göcsök kikenéssel javítva megengedettek. Kiesett göcs kikenéssel javítva 25 mm átmérőig megengedett. Szíjács: Alapvetően nem megengedett, de max. 4-5 mm szélességű 50 cm hosszúságú egészséges érintő szíjács megengedett.
According to the EN 13489 standard, 3 % of different grade than indicated is acceptable.